Great week! full of fun too. At the start of the
week things went pretty normal but for p-day we hung out with Elder Soberanus
and Elder Rivas. Elder Soberanus and I go home together and we haven’t seen
each other in like a year so it was great to talk about all the mission and
share stories. Friday we had a great baptism for Elizabeth and
Yazmin. Out of nowhere President showed up too. Saturday morning we
went to the temple with Luis! Elder Riqulme and I had to leave super early and
we got super wet on the way. It was so worth it though! Yesterday, church was
really great and we had a super good dinner with Jorge. This last week is gonna
be sweet. it will include last interview with President, sheaving sheep and
some celebrations in Ramos Mejia! love y’all and hope y’all have a good one!!
Elder Maller