this week went by quick! I had my first zone meeting on Tuesday and I
actually understood it pretty well (it’s all in Spanish). This week we taught about 20 lessons, which
is less than normal cause we’ve been busy with meetings and interviews. I see so many crazy things happen in a day
like I’m pretty much used to it now cause it’s hard to remember some of them. Out here I wish I had like a GoPro camera and
could just stream everything to you guys.
Saturday was my first baptism and Elder Udall let me baptize her. Her name is Zoe Veronica Prieto and she’s 10
years old and really smart. It was hard
for me for some reason to memorize the baptismal ordinance in Spanish and it
actually worried me a lot for some reason, but I said everything fine but apparently
I forgot to close my eyes, but whatever. Her mom gave a great talk about the Holy Ghost. I couldn’t understand a lot of it cause she
was crying a lot. The thing about
argentines is it’s not hard to understand them cause they speak fast, but
because they slur their words soooooo bad.
It’s like the equivalent of the famer guy who shoots the cow in front of
the bus in Napoleon Dynamite, seriously like exactly the same. Thankfully not everyone is like this, it’s
mostly with the older people.
Elder Maller

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Dec 19 - 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Dec 12, 2016
Dec 12, 2016 - Hey, it’s good to hear everyone is doing great glad
to hear about school and other activities, I’ve been praying specifically for
you guys every night. So we left the MTC Tuesday
at about 12noon. The mission president was running a bit late, but we meet met
up with President Robertson and took photos at the temple; he should have
emailed you guys. The first day in the
field was sweet. My companion is Elder
Udall from Gilbert AZ and he is sooooo awesome, love him already especially
cause he can speak English and he’s a good man too. He helps me out a lot and were having a ton
of fun together. My zone is the Ramos
Mejia zone and our ward is the Los Pinos ward which means the pines and its
funny cause there is like only one wimpy pine tree here. My first visit was with hermana Corza and she
is what we call and investegador enterno. She’s been visiting with the
missionaries for ten years!! Crazy
enough I started telling her about where I’m from and she said Elder Kwazney
was teaching her aswell! crazy crazy. Anyways
she is progressing and were going to try to set a date for baptism; maybe in January,
soooo awesome. This area is pretty sweet
were able to keep buys the whole day with visits and such. We got a baptismal date for this Saturday and
Elder Udall said I could do the baptizing yeeeeeeee. We also got a date for Gueillermo for Christmas
Eve. He’s also been investigating the church
for a year. The annoying thing here is a
lot of people want to get baptized but everyone either smokes drinks or is
living together and isn’t married and I literally mean everyone. I can’t wait until I find someone who is
actually ready to be baptized.
Sunday was cool, it was the primary
presentation and the kids here are way cuter, I don’t know why they just are. We have a lot of great members and the bishop
is a nice guy, he is pretty young and has a lot of energy for missionary work. They didn’t get me to bear my testimony but
yet, but I think they will get me to do it next week. We had a lunch appointment and I had to eat a
whole blood sausage, so nasty ugh but everything else was great. We don’t have dinner appointments here, only lunch
appointments. There lunches are soooo
huge and it’s sooooo hot at that time. I
actually understand why siesta is a thing, but the people are soooo lazy it
makes me mad. I love you guys and I love
the mission I’m doing great, I miss you guys but not that much ha ha ha. This
church is so true.
Love Elder Maller
Friday, December 2, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
Dec 1, 2016 - It’s
now December in Buenos Aires and it feels pretty weird with it being super-hot
here. We celebrated American
thanksgiving here last week and that was pretty awesome. We had a huge turkey dinner followed by a
devotional from Elder Anderson; he gave a great talk. It was a great time, but I don’t think Argentines
know how to cook turkey as well as they know how to cook steak, but it was
still pretty good. The food here is
still incredible, the other day we ate cordon bleu (I think that’s what you
call it). Everyone here treats you like
a king. Even when we go proselyting
people give us a lot of respect for what we are doing. This week when we went tracting, just before
we got on the bus we know it would rain but we didn’t think it would rain that
much, but it did; it poured. All I had
was a shell jacket, so all my cloths got soaked, and we barely saw anyone in
the streets, but we still talked to everyone and were having success; it’s
great. When we go tracting,
they take us on a bus with your companion to an area at 12 noon and say meet
back here at 5pm. They pull up a map and
tell you areas that are restricted because they are too sketchy. You get your own designated tracting area. It can be hard to get in the door, but people
will are very friendly and respectful. I
think they realize we represent something really special, but there so lazy
cause of cesta’s, which is like a four hour nap after lunch, which is in the
middle of our tracting time.
I’ve been studying a ton
about Jesus Christo lately, especially in john and I wanna go to the holy land
sooooo bad after my mission with the boys - that would be so cool.
Last district meeting we set
a goal to speak straight Spanish the entire week, which has been sooo hard to
do but were we are totally capable of it. It’s weird to think I’ll be leaving
this awesome place soon, I’ll miss it soooooo much; it’s been the best. There’s a picture in the cafeteria that I love
to look at everyday; I picture it being me and Lance, it looks just like us. I hope all is still well with everyone back
home, I pray for you guys all time here, love you - Elder Maller
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